Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Squishy!!!! FYI: little personal but no pictures

Had my exchange surgery yesterday!!  It is so great to be done.  Surgery only took a couple of hours and I could tell an immediate difference from the tissue expanders to silicone implants.  I no longer feel like I am going to injure someone if I hug them.  I am sore (feels more like a pulled muscle)  but that is it.  Since my nerve endings were cut during my mastectomy, I have no incision pain.  Rightie is quite swollen and bruised.  I am guessing that side had a lot more scar tissue. I was shocked after my surgery, due to the amount of disappointment when I first saw my chest.
  I never would have guessed my disappointment though after surgery. I think part of my disappointment is that I have wanted an augmentation for years.  Never did because I was worried about breast cancer in the family and if an augmentation would make it harder to find.  Seeing pictures of girls that had augmentations, everything looks perfect and lays just right.  When you have extra tissue over your implants everything just looks better.  I know mine will never look like that, but hey it's only minor, not devastating. One thing my muscles are still tight and holding in my implants which makes them not look natural and smaller. Also my nipples are not even with each other, but that is most likely due to the fact that my right one is being help up higher by my muscle.
I didn't know really what to expect after surgery, so I got a hold of my girls on prophylactic mastectomy website.  Those women are amazing!!! They told me that over the next few months, my breast will change almost daily.  Once the muscle relaxes and my implants drop they will look a lot more natural and will be a little bigger.  When I wrote about being disappointed, I also felt guilty.  I don't have breast cancer and now never will, so I should be over joyed. I am, but also it is tough to look in the mirror right now.  My incision is bold again and now my boobs have a different shape.  I also think I have some fluid build up on my right side.  My PS also said that I may want fat grafting 3-6 months down the road. You don't want to do that until your implants have had a chance to settle.  As of right now my right one sits a little funny, and my plastic surgeon is a perfectionist and if I was staying he would probably go ahead and schedule me to get the grafting, but he said just to get a PS in Florida, that way if I want I can have minor touch ups.  I have to say this surgery was a whole lot easier than my mastectomy, but it is still exhausting. I think I took 3 naps yesterday, after I got home.  My poor husband, I think I fell asleep once when he was talking to me. 

( This is my reminder that my boobs will become more natural, until then be happy they are squishy not rock hard boulders!!!)

Also, for everyone who was curious... My nasal swab was negative for MRSA!!!  Yea, I know..... I didn't believe it either at first.  As many times as I have taken care of patients with MRSA, I would have bet money on it that I carried it. 

One of the wonderful women in the prophylactic mastectomy group posted and article about how a mother was able to breast feed her newborn after having a bilateral mastectomy.  The mother figured that wasn't going to be an option and sadly excepted she couldn't breast feed.  This article shows the compassion people can have for one another, when the lactation consultant offered to have her try breast feeding with a supplemental feeding system. 


I  tried Jamberry nails today for the first time!!!  I can't believe how easy they are to apply.  So much better than painting your nails.  I first off and not that great at painting my nails with out making a mess.  The other part of these that I love is, my nails chip and peel so within a day my nail polish looks horrible.  I think these are going to work great for me!!  So if anyone wants to try these... I know a great consultant to go through!!

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