Tuesday, February 19, 2013


As I sit here in my trusty recliner (we spend a lot of time together).  I have been thinking quite a bit of what I am thankful for.  First of all, I am thankful for my self esteem.  It is not easy to have yourself mutilated and changed so much with in a matter of hours.  Don't get me wrong I have wonderful friends who remind me that I will still have perfect boobs when I am 80!  And hey that is a plus.  I think about how emotional I still have been with all this, if I didn't have a fairly good outlook for myself.  It would be a lot more difficult.  So note to self (and for everyone else)...... The best gift you can give yourself is SELF ESTEEM!!!!

I am also very thankful for my family.  My family has been ultra supportive during all this.  My husband still is doing all the housework and cooking (who am I kidding, he always does the cooking!!)  while I am still recovering. He continues to let me know, my health is much more important than my outward appearance.  (and we can't forget, one day I will have perfect boobs or foobs or whatever you want to call them.... that just makes me laugh when I think about it) My boys are doing great with knowing I can't pick them up right now.  It is now more difficult for me than it is for the boys.  All my extended family has been wonderful, too. I love how my boys can make me laugh at any given point.  Connor makes my drains so much more tolerable, because I always get a good laugh when he calls them my "pumps".  Braydin right now likes to say the silliest of things, like earlier he ran up to me and whispered "mashed potatoes"  and ran off.  Or the boys lately at the table will bend down to where you can't see them, and one will pop and say "blue cat" then bend back down, then the other will pop up and say "red cat" and then bend back down.  I don't know where that game came from, but it makes me giggle. 

I am thankful for all of our friends (church family, coworkers all included). Our friends have been more than supportive.  From having the deacons at our church provide us dinner for the first week home from the hospital, to the gift bags from friends, flowers from family.  I feel truly blessed.  I was given another gift basket from work today.  It was so sweet.  What was so amazing was all the actual thoughtfulness that went in to making it.  One nurse gave me 2 boxes of Andes Mints (my all time favorite candy ever!!!) I also had a bag of chocolate candies (kit-kats, reeces, peanut butter cups, etc..).  I think it is an evil plan to make me gain weight. HAHA.  They gave me reading material and stuff to pamper myself. Gift card for dinner, and a reminder to take it easy and rest (Yup, its official.. they know me as well as my family).  Just truly wonderful.  I have friends texting me just to check how I am feeling and to let them know if I need anything.  Those are the wonderful moments in life. When wonderful people in your life let you know "hey I was thinking of you." Another person who falls in the category of friends is our childcare provider.  There isn't a way to describe when you feel 100% comfortable that your children are being taken care of, loved, and are learning all in a single day when they are away from you.  Especially while I am home "resting" and my boys are at childcare. I have a lot of time to think (or stress...whatever you want to call it). At least I do not need to stress about my boys safety.

Well I think that is enough sap and emotions.  I just hope everyone knows that you all have a special place in our hearts!!

1 comment:

  1. Jessie,
    You are so inspirational. You've been through the ringer and yet you're so positive and remember to count your blessings. You remind me to be thankful for all I have. So I'll start with you, Im thankful to God for putting you in my life!
