I had another fill today. I am still even!! I am now at 320 ml a side!!! I had a long, LONG drive home. I made it down the street from the hospital before I started having spasms. It is always my right side. It is with it being my dominant arm and that muscle is stronger it resists more to being stretched. I stopped at a mcdonalds down the street from the hospital I read on a different blogger's post that she used mcdonalds straws to breath through to help focus out the pain. I tried a kwik shop straw last week... it was too small and hard to breath through. A mcD's straw works better. After I got the straw I sat in the parking lot for about ten minutes to allow the spasms to calm down. I didn't feel too comfortable in the neighborhood, I was parked right by a bus stop so there were a lot of people around. I just locked my doors, played my music and tried to zone out for a little bit. When I got back on the road, I held my seat belt off my chest and didn't use my right arm to drive. I was able to decrease the amount of spasms I had on my drive home that way. I sneezed once...... THAT WAS TORTURE!!! Ha! I am now sitting in my trusty recliner with my heating pad, not doing too bad. Had my Valium Rx refilled. I have to take Valium at night for the first couple nights after a fill to keep the spasms to a minimum. On my drive home, I saw a couple of kids hitch hiking. They looked to be in their younger 20's. I was tempted to pull over and tell them I will get them to Wamego, if one of them were willing to drive. LOL. They looked nice enough, but in the amount of pain I was in, my perception could have been distorted. At that point if someone had a gun to my head, but told me they were willing to drive.... I would have said they seemed nice enough. So long story short I didn't pick up the hitchhikers. But I hate to admit how tempting it was!!!
My post are probably going to be about the same for the next few weeks... getting fills, having spasms, etc. Exciting huh!! So I decided to add some other stuff.
First all..... Happy Nurse's Week!!! I work with a great bunch of nurses, and I have previously worked with some awesome nurses!! Having great co-workers makes working a whole lot more enjoyable. I also want to say Happy School Nurses Day! You guys are awesome! I would like to especially extend that to two of my favorite nurses I used to work with that are now school nurses... Heather and Tammy... you guys rock! Also I would like to thank the school nurses in Pottawatomie County that I work with on a regular basis. You guys work hard and have to deal with me on a regular basis... You have a tough job :)

(I may no longer work in the ER, but I have a special place in my heart for all you ER nurses!)
I also heard it is Teacher's week. Happy Teacher's Week to all you teachers out there!! You have a truly amazing gift. You have more patience and provide lifetime skills for so many children. There is not enough good things I can say about teachers!
I also that I would add some adorable pictures of the most amazing boys in the whole world!!!
My husband and I for his birthday.
(Braydin and I, me sporting the "mommy" look, yoga pants, Tshirt, no make-up and hair in a ponytail)
(Left to Right: Connor, Me, and my two sister in laws)
(Connor and I being silly with hats!)
So the last thing I will talk about on this post is, Cain and I have finally finished season 3 of Walking Dead. We now have to join the rest of the world and wait until season 4. On that note I will now leave you all a picture of my Hollywood boyfriend. :)

Who would have thought a redneck with a crossbow could be so sexy. Thank-you Hollywood!!!
Have a good week!!!!
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