Sunday, May 5, 2013

I hate alarm clocks!

I have a confession to make.  I love, love, LOVE the snooze button.  I seriously am the person who sets the alarm clock fast so I have more time in the morning to hit snooze.  A very dangerous situation I put myself in every morning.... morning math when you are half asleep.  Definition of morning math:  trying to remember how fast I set the alarm clock to figure out the correct time and determine how many more times I can hit snooze before I will be late.  Yea great plan I well!  haha.  Anyway, I have a whole new reason to hate the alarm clock.  I have not had the "chest contractions" like I did that night after my last fill.  I do my post- mastectomy stretches several times a day and can keep myself comfortable, but I have a new morning problem.  The alarm clock goes off and I now try to reach over to hit my beloved snooze button when I am stopped mid stretch with a horrible spasm. So now I  have horrible pain in my right arm/chest that I can't move, I can't catch my breath due to the spasm and that D&%* alarm clock is blaring in my ear!! I no longer get to enjoy the snooze button.  It takes me close to 5 minutes before I can ever reach it.  I swing my legs over first and try to sit up strictly using my stomach muscles and then when my chest quits hurting, I can hit snooze.  Well, that process isn't any fun, so I don't try to repeat it 3,4, or sometimes 5 times a morning. Since the change of my alarm clock habits... I get to work in plenty of time in the morning.

So here is my new morning routine.  After spending 5 minutes trying to turn off the alarm clock.  I get up grumbling and complaining. husband calls me "his little ray of sunshine" in the morning.  My youngest is just like me in the morning (he is a very evil child if you wake him up).  So after I get up I head to the shower, have the water extra warm and try to do my first set of post mastectomy stretches.  Between the heat and stretches, it helps a lot to decrease the amount of pain I have during the day. All while telling myself..... This is temporary and this is worth it!!! 

Thought you all could use a laugh at how my mornings go!! I have to smile thinking about it.  Hope you have had a wonderful weekend!

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