First off, one of the local doctors has taken care of my grandma and several other family members of my family so she is familiar with our BRCA gene and what our family is going through without even being my doctor. Her husband works for the local newspaper, The Mercury. She contacted my aunt to see if my mom or I would be interested in talking to the paper to have an article written. When Angelina Jolie first spoke out, mom and I were impressed and talked about how great she was able to help raise awareness, but when it came to either one of us to help we both were a little unsure. It took us a few days to think about it and discussed it with the rest of the family. I don't know why we were so unsure, this is a small community. Manhattan has approximately 30,000 people and up to 55,000 with the students (we all know college students don't read the newspaper). We ultimately decided to go ahead and do the article, so I should hear from someone this week. I do want the information out there that this procedure is available to more people than the rich and movie stars. I also would like to get correct information out. is at it again. I CAN'T stand that website (that website makes my job a WHOLE lot tougher), but this has topped the cake. Here is the title of their recent article regarding Angelina Jolie, Angelina Jolie Inspires Women to Maim Themselves by Celebrating Medically Perverted Bilateral Mastectomies. What!?! Are you kidding me? I was fuming by the end of the article. The comments at the bottom of the article are even better. One woman who claims she can cure all cancer.... by some type of VooDoo blah, blah, blah.... I am in no way saying this procedure is for everyone, but in their article (and all their articles) everything can be cured or prevented by healthy eating. Did you know every person has the ability to prevent (and cure) cancer by proper eating? I am firm believer in healthy eating and healthy lifestyle, you can prevent several issues with eating right, but to say healthcare is strictly a money making business. It just irritates me that all their claims are not backed by anything. I am science oriented and if it is fact your results should be repeatable. I also understand with medical technology that this procedure will not always be the way to treat woman with a BRCA mutation, but at this time it is a good option for some women. Think about years ago when one of the few options to treat breast cancer was with a radical mastectomy..... those were barbaric. We have better options now than then, but that was your option then.
My last fill I had on Thursday was great!! Cain's uncle was able to give me a ride so I was able to take my medication before the procedure. That made a world of a difference!!! I have not had a single spasm since!!! I will no longer be driving myself. If Cain's uncle can't drive me for one f them, then Cain will be driving me. Talking with the doctor this last time, I am almost done with my fills, I am at 345 ml each side! This weekend we took the boys camping for the first time. It was a blast!! I was worried about me being uncomfortable the entire time with just having a fill the day before, but it was great and I felt wonderful. Unfortunately our camping weekend was cut short due to bad weather coming in. I can't wait until our next camping trip!
This weekend I also got to see my cousin that I haven't seen since Christmas. She cam up and asked how's it going? And I said "oh you know dealing with grumpy kids (they were worn out from camping)" Then she said "your boobs look great!" I was cracking up. We talked a little about the procedure, she was BRCA negative. It was just funny how our conversation started. How often is it completely acceptable to start a conversation by saying "your boobs look great!" I talked about how I will no longer need to use padded or push up bras again. We talked a lot about boobs. Well, my poor uncle (he is fairly quiet anyway) was sitting at the table also. He just looked at another family member and said "I really don't need to hear all this." LOL, all of us woman in the family have become very open about talking about our boobs.
I want to add another blogger for you to check out. She is close to the same track as I am right now. She also came saw the same article I did. The article had shown up on my twitter feed first thing in the morning after Angelina Jolie spoke out. That was such a great way to start the day. Here is her blog:
Here is a picture for you...
( Hello Kitty implants, some things just make you go ..... huh?)
The shirt I want:
I want to have it changed to "Yes, They're fake the real ones would have killed me.
Since I didn't actually have cancer...mine have not tried to kill me, yet.
My husband wants one that say "They're real if you can touch them" Classy huh!!!
Have a good week.
Preach on sister. The thing that gets me about the "lifestyle" change to aid in breast cancer prevention is that there aren't any numbers to back this up. The statistics were what ultimately made me decide to have a PBM. If that 70 percent were 20 percent lifetime risk, it would have been a whole different ball game. So, these nay sayers need to give women some factual much does a life style change lower my lifetime breast cancer risk? Unless you've done the research and have the math like they do on prophylactic mastectomies, I don't want to hear you talk about it being excessive or extreme.
ReplyDeleteglad to hear it's getting better! been thinking about you often, and would like to make the trip up there soon to see you!