Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Two steps forward one step back

I had my follow up appointment yesterday.  I got my last drain removed. Woo Hoo!!!  I feel amazing. It only took 4 weeks.  I got reminded again to take it easy this week to prevent any fluid build up.  So here I am on my trusty recliner for the next several days.  I got released to go back to work on March 12!  How about that.  Finally I get to get out of this house.  Absolutely no lifting.  Just computer and paperwork.  FUN! Since I got sternly reminded (not lectured) to take it easy, I decided that was not a good time to ask if I could start running again.  So the St. Pattys day run is out.  But hey, it is getting to that time of year again, so here soon. 

The reason I don't get to go back to work on Monday (Cain's birthday) is I am going in for another surgery. (that's my one step back) I felt so bad when I called and told Cain that I had to have another surgery on his birthday.  I started to get tearful feeling like I was ruining his birthday.  He just laughed at me and told me to quit being such a woman.  He said we will celebrate his birthday on Saturday and now he doesn't have to work on his birthday since he will be taking me to surgery.  It will be a quick outpatient procedure.  I have to  have a revision done on both sides along my incision.  In two places I still have some scabbing and my edges are not well approximated (the edges are not touching).  The doctor wants to peal back the scabbing and see how my healing is underneath. I can't start having my expander fills until I am well healed.  We don't want to put pressure on a weak incision. I may need a few sutures placed to help heal me up. So as I sit here typing this I am drinking my "wound healing smoothie"  It has yogurt, milk, kiwi, strawberries, banana, oatmeal, and protein mix.  Sounds tasty huh!!  It is not too bad, but the protein mix can make it sort of chalky tasting.  I am not usually big on the whole "smoothie, shakes, protein drinks, etc..."  but right now it can help me get a lot more protein and nutrients that I may not otherwise get right now.  My appetite has not been at its usual since I haven't been allowed to do anything other than sit in this chair.   So I figure any extra nutrition to help promote wound healing can't hurt.  I also am going to try to increase my water intake. Blah. Blah, Blah.... my normal speech to tell patients, but now that I am the patient I don't listen. Go figure!

Well everyone enjoy your day!


1 comment:

  1. <---drinks greek yogurt, brown rice protein powder, bananas, chocolate green superfood powder, milk, cinnamon, flax seed, honey, and kale. Mines super chalky too :(
