I have a post-op appointment with Dr. Ponnuru on Thursday. I am still hopeful for my first expansion. My incision look great. I assume he will remove the sutures on Thursday. I am actually starting to feel fairly normal, no drains, no pain, the only thing is my tissue expanders are rock hard (hate it, but that's normal). I have added a picture for anyone who is reading my blog who has had tissue expanders. This picture was sent to me from a friend I met who had surgery 2 years ago.
Earlier this morning I decided to catch up on some of the other blogs I follow. One girl had her 1 year Bilateral Mastectomy Anniversary the other day. On her page it said "what would you do if you knew you were going to get cancer?" Through this whole process since July I heard all the statistics 85% lifetime risk of Breast Cancer, already having suspicious changes on my mammogram, etc... Even hearing "its not if you will have cancer, but when?" I guess it never really hit me (until today)that one day I was going to hear those words that no one wants to hear. So today I sit here and think what would you do if you knew you were going to get cancer? My answer.... Everything I can to keep that from happening.
I feel great! I am happy and healthy. My family is happy and healthy. What more could you ask for? So here is some more humor for everyone:
Everyone have a wonderful day!!!!!!!!
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