Wednesday, August 28, 2013


It has been a little over 3 weeks since my exchange!!  My incisions are healed and I am on weight restriction for only 3 more weeks.  I have been feeling great.  I have noticed some soreness when I over work my right arm, but other than that I am feeling great.  They do change a lot over the first several weeks.  It is like every morning I look in the mirror to see if I recognize myself!  These things have a mind of their own sometimes!  I have my last follow up with the plastic surgeon in September.  I hope that is my last trip to Kansas City before we are driving on through!!!!

There has been a lot of talk lately trying to understand ones mutation and what does the numbers and letters mean.  My mutation is 5578delAA with a stop codon at amino acid position 1785.  This is a frameshift mutation. What does all this mean?!?  I have no clue.  I just know what my summary stated that this is a deleterious (harmful) mutation  with known breast cancer risk of up to 84% and ovarian cancer up to 40%.  There is a wonderful blog post that talks a little about the different types of mutations.  If you feel like studying, here is the link,

It really is an interesting article.  I also learned something new recently.  The FORCE website ( website)  has a BRCA Gene Mutation Database.  I entered my gene into this database and have now met people with my same mutation!  I am super pumped about this.  They even have their own Facebook group.  Which now including me has 11 members!  I am anxious to get to meet these other women and to share stories.

Above I have added a link to an article I came a cross the other day and it really hit home in different aspects.  This article talks about being an independent woman where no body part can define you. I also love the title of the article.... Ask the mutant!

That is all I can think of right now.  I have come to realize that I was a much more interesting blogger when I was on pain medication and muscle relaxers.  I promise to try and find more interesting and humorous topics for the future.


  1. I have the same mutation as you! Your blog is thing that popped up when I Googled it!

  2. I am sorry I just now saw you posted here. We have a private Facebook group, with a few other girls with our same mutation.
